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Cut Me Up Issue 3: Tabula Rasa offers 18 original artworks made in response to curator Todd Bartel’s call asking artists to reflect upon the condition of the planet.

The works in this issue address environmental issues of land ownership, destruction of resources and sustainability. These images also acknowledge the privilege of whiteness, consumption at the expense of inequity, and the white supremacy built into the fabric of our nation.

“Here are 18 icons about the omnipresent need for change — each image a sobering reflection of the world we live in now. Collage is the most democratic of languages because it is about balancing differences in unison, and that is something worth working toward. Here are 18 calls for landviews — wisdom governing the equitable and just use and distribution of natural resources,”
-Todd Bartel, curator.

Curatorial prompts for Issue 3 artists:

  • Erasure of some kind—magazine ink is encouraged—must be incorporated.

  • At least one-third of each submission must be white in color. White may be the actual paper color, erased color, or paint. White may be translucent, color-tinted, and/or coat any part of Cut Me Up Issue 2.

  • Submissions must be evocative of landscape imagery and/or address issues relating to any aspect of landscape history.

  • All eligible submissions must incorporate some portion or portions of Cut Me Up Issue 2.

  • Artworks responses may be in any media and may incorporate other materials. 

Todd’s original curatorial call for Issue 3 can be found here.

Issue 3 Cover Art:
Laurent Seljan

Issue 3 Artists:
Patty Armstrong
Olivia Browne
Cheryl Chudyk
Eric Dinyer
Rubén Frejo
Luciana Frigerio
Rasha Hamid
C.P. Harrison
Ashanté Kindle
Alejandra Koreck
Laurent Seljan
Jon Legere
Janice McDonald
W. David Powell
Billy Renkl
Perishable Rush
Ruth Saporito
Lydia Selk

All of the 77 response artworks made by 56 artists for Cut Me Up issue 3: Tabula Rasa can be found here.

Olivia Browne White Out

Olivia Browne
White Out

C.P. Harrison sunrise doesn't last all morning

C.P. Harrison
sunrise doesn't last all morning

Eric Dinyer The Sky is a Poisonous Garden

Eric Dinyer
The Sky is a Poisonous Garden